
We were seen.

We were seen

Good job, you've found the next stage. Maybe it took you a while, maybe you got it right away. Either way, you're here. I don't know why AT is acting like such a bitch with all of this, it's really not such a big of a deal. You've obviously worked hard to get here and you've seen through their shit, so I guess you deserve a bit of an explanation.

It was 1975. Barb was getting on my nerves and I felt like so much was gone before it started. Those bureaucratic fucks already knew that it was going to happen, but still they sent a boy up to make sure everything was going on track. "On track"... It's funny, really. Here's a a tip; if you want to fuck with nature, don't get some random failure to do it for you. I know now that my circumstances made me the "optimal candidate" or whatever it is they call it, but at the time it sure didn't feel like it. At least now I have a reason to keep going.

The boy they sent up should have never approached me. Apparently I had to do one last test to make sure I was right, but someone must have seen me with him. For all it's worth, I wasn't a complete nobody, and it's not like I blend in with the crowd either. Regardless, looking back, that's definately the moment that made all of this happen. I didn't know exactly what would happen, but I knew it was gonna be different than what I was used to. I dropped off the decoy at the designated location and started walking. I was scared about who or what I was about to finally see with my own two eyes, but I just kept walking. I admit, a beer or two was had to keep the nerves down. I brought the one bag I was meant to have with me and next thing I know, I'm staring down a barrel and am being lead into a car with people I don't know. I thought maybe this could have been another test. I know them now, be it for better or for worse. The ride was long. So long, and without breaks that they'd swap out drivers at designated intervals. The few men and what I presumed was the head honcho's teenage daughter who was complaining for probably the whole damn time told me a few things about what was happening and why. She was wrong about a lot of stuff. The most likely scenerio is that she was regurgitating the shit she gets told on a daily basis. She's got a better grasp on things nowadays. Of anyone, I would know. Regardless, nothing surprised me anymore in that time of my life, but what I didn't realize was that it was merely a a tip of an iceberg. At one point they put me in the trunk while we crossed what I presumed was a border. They blindfolded me and told me where to walk and strangely, how to do it. I will write more at a later time, I can feel it coming.
